Welcome to the website of TON 4 RECORDS. We have specialized to the marketing and promotion of music.
We represent companies like TON 4 MUSIC as well as artists like the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the Tonkuenstler Orchestra - and in the pop business chartbreakers from all over the world.
TON 4 Records and its co−operation partners TON 4 MUSIC and JUPITER PROMOTIONS offer bands, producers and labels the opportunity of worldwide digital and physical representation and distribution of their repertoire on all major download platforms like Itunes, AOL, Musicload, Sony Connect and OD2, as well as radio− and TV− stations such as GOTV,MTV and VIVA, and distribute their physical DVDs and CDs.
The TON 4 Music publishing house publishes classical as well as popular music. We represent our artists copyrights and ancillary copyrights and sample radio and TV−stations and film score publishing houses.
TON 4 Records provides its artists with professional marketing and music−management if desired. Artists with sufficient market presence, e.g. charts, music videos, live gigs and / or airplay qualify in particular.
We represent our artists copyrights and ancillary copyrights and sample more than 4000 radiostations, all major TV-stations and film score publishing houses.
JUPITER PROMOTIONS provides more than 200 artists with professional marketing and music-management. Artists with sufficient market presence, e.g. charts, music videos, live gigs and / or airplay qualify in particular.