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Since 2003 we do digital and physical music distribution, marketing and promotion for classical Orchestras like the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and Indie Pop - Acts from all over the world.

TON 4 RECORDS has specialised in marketing and promotion of artists, bands, music labels and publishing houses.

The TON 4 MUSIC Group founder Erwin Pitsch, M.B.A., BA., Dipl. Ed., cand. jur. (Middlesex University London, USQ Australia, University of Vienna), saw the neccessarity to outsource marketing and promotion into a seperate company - Jupiterpromotions. Today, marketing and promotion are the most important tools to succeed in an increasing complicated music business world. Erwin has been working in the music business industry for more than 20 years in areas such as film composing and audio engineering. In addition to that he is a record studio and label owner, an artist, educator (secondary teacher) and a publisher.

Abbildung: Erwin Pitsch -

Abbildung: Erwin Pitsch -